Taiko this week @GLTC - United We Drum!
Hello and Happy Inauguration Day!
Today I watched the Inaugural Parade Across America, with inspiring contributions of people from around the U.S., and it reminds me to celebrate how we are able to come together and connect through taiko, especially in these challenging times for our nation and the world. Thank you, GLTC members, for supporting our taiko family and community! #UnitedWeDrum
On our GLTC Calendar you will see schedules for our classes @GLTC-Online and other taiko happenings which might be of interest to our community. Highlights for this week include kaDON LIVE workshops and Asano Taiko U.S. virtual concerts (see below). *These events are recorded so you can participate even if you have missed or can't make any of the livestream sessions!
Have a good week!
//Eileen at GLTC | Great Lakes Taiko Center | michigantaiko.net
Taiko-Tailored Workouts w/Emily Harada
Wednesday, January 20 – Lower Extremity Connecting to the Core
Wednesday, January 27 – Core Connecting to the Upper Extremity
Wednesday, February 3 – Connecting it All to Generate Power
Wednesday, February 10 – Cardio Grab Bag
(all classes are live and also recorded* from 7-8pm w/optional half-hour hangout time afterwards)
Info & register at https://kadon.com/taiko-tailored-workouts-with-emily-harada/
kaDON members cost: $35/series of 4 classes
Find Your Taiko Breathing+Gravity w/Shogo Yoshii
Thursday, January 7 – Feel the Gravity: Uchi and Tataki Basics
Thursday, January 14 – Feel the Gravity: Uchi and Tataki Variation
Thursday, January 21– Let Your Sound Bounce: The Uchi-Hataki Method
Thursday, January 28 – Get Your Kiai On: The Uchikomi Method
(all classes are live and also recorded* from 8-9pm w/optional half-hour hangout time afterwards)
Info & register at https://kadon.com/kadon-live-find-your-taiko-breathing-w-earth-gravity-shogo-yoshii/
kaDON members cost: $35/series of 4 classes
Mushi Okuri Project:
GLTC joins Asano Taiko U.S. & Friends Virtual Concert
6:00pm ET on SUN January 24th 2021
Also check out the annual concert by Los Angeles Taiko Institute (LATI) on SAT night 1/23!
GLTC is honored to join taiko groups and artists from around the world (20 groups total) to present *our* community video "Mushi Okuri" (Send Away Bugs!) in the Asano Taiko U.S. & Friends virtual concert on SUN 1/24/2021.
INFO: about both virtual concerts at https://asano.us/blogs/news/lati-and-asano-taiko-us-virtual-concerts
TICKETS: ($10-$20-$30) for the ATUS & Friends 1/24 Virtual Concert at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/asano-taiko-us-and-friends-virtual-concert-tickets-134432271543