About Imabetsu Arama odori (wild horse Dance)
Imabetsu Arama Odori (wild horse dance of Imabetsu):
- This year we plan to perform the Aomori Prefecture Imabetsu “Arama” (wild horse) dance, which is an Aomori Prefecture Intangible Cultural Asset, as one of our cultural performances at #MIBon2024. - Arama is traditionally conducted every year in the local town of Imabetsu as a "Kami-Okuri" (sending off the gods) for the farmers to express their blessings and gratitude when the rice planting is finished in August and the gods of the rice fields ascend to the heavens. >Watch this video of dancers at Aurama Festival in Imabetsu town:
- The Arama dance is characterized by pairs of dancers, one dancer playing the role of the prancing horse and the other dancer taking the reins. While men traditionally play the horse and women take the reins, we encourage our dancers to explore whichever role/s they are interested in dancing. The energetic Arama dance involves a lot of movement, bouncing, and jumping with accompanying taiko drums and shinobue (bamboo flute) music.
Volunteer dance teams for #MIBon2024:
- GLTC is looking for community members (including high schoolers, college students, adults) to collaborate with the Taiko Center's taiko drumming team and perform the Imabetsu Arama dance at #MIBon2024. No experience necessary! >CONTACT Noriko Maidens at GLTC if you’re interested!
- We plan to hold Arama dance practice sessions in the Novi-Wixom and Ann Arbor areas on several weekends leading up to the event in August. This is a new venture for us all and we look forward to having these opportunities to learn and dance together! >JOIN any sessions you can.
🪭🐴 Imabetsu Arama Dance Workshop Schedule:
Saturday Arama workshops in Novi-Wixom
Place: Center for Performance Arts & Learning (Cen4PAL) 28243 Beck Road, Unit B2 - Wixom, MI 48393
Date/Time: SAT 5/25, 6/8, 7/20 (5:30pm - 7:00pm) and SAT 8/3 (3:00pm - 5:00pm)
Sunday Arama workshops in Ann Arbor
Place: Rudolf Steiner High School (RSHS) 2230 Pontiac Trail, Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Date/Time: SUN 6/9 and 7/28* (4:30pm - 6:00pm) *rescheduled from 7/28
[Photo: Arama Odori wild horse dancers and taiko at #MIBON2022, Novi, MI]
>>> Contact us at gltc@greatlakestaiko.org if you’re interested in joining any of our workshops or volunteer dance teams!
『今別 荒馬踊り』一緒におどりませんか?ダンサーボランティア募集 – Great Lakes Taiko Center
Great Lakes Taiko Center(非営利団体)が主催する盆踊り祭り「MIBon2024-マイボン2024」2024年8月11日 にCranbrook 日本庭園にて開催予定です。
このイベントはコミュニティにおける文化紹介と、ご来場頂いた方に日本の文化を体 験して頂くことを目的としております。昨年は 8 月に Bloomfield Hills Cranbrook と共同で MIBon2023 を開き、一般の方も含め、約 500 名の方々にご来場頂き、一緒に盆踊りや太鼓演 奏を楽しんで頂きました。
今年は太鼓演奏の演目の一つに、青森県今別「荒馬」(青森県無形文化財)を演奏する ことを計画中です。荒馬は、地元の今別町で毎年、8 月に田植えが終わり、田の神様が天に昇 る時、農民が神に加護と感謝を表すための「神送り」として披露されています。太鼓と篠笛に 合わせ、馬役と手綱取りがペアになって荒々しく跳ね回って踊るのが特徴です。
MIBon2024 でセンターの太鼓演奏チームとコラボして、今別荒馬踊りを踊ってくださ る高校生、大学生、大人の方を募集しています。私たちにとっても新しい試みで、大変楽しみ にしています。今後、8 月のイベントに向けて、Novi 地区とアナバー地区で練習 を開催致します。日程等の案内は以下の通りです。
場所:Center for Performance Arts & Learning (Cen4PAL) 28243 Beck Road (B2) Wixom, MI 48393
8月3日 午後3時~午後5時
Ann Arbor-日曜日
場所:Rudolf Steiner High School (RSHS) 2230 Pontiac Trail, Ann Arbor, MI 48105
場所:Rudolf Steiner High School (RSHS) 2230 Pontiac Trail, Ann Arbor, MI 48105
ご興味がありましたら、E メールにてメイデンスまでご連絡ください。
Great Lakes Taiko Center (GLTC) メイデンス 典子 E メールアドレス: gltc@greatlakestaiko.org
🏮 Join our MI Bon 2024 Preview Event on Sunday August 4th (3-5p) at the Rudolf Steiner HS gym in Ann Arbor, Michigan! This Sunday afternoon event (free and open to the public) will include Taiko Drumming Performances followed by an interactive Bon Dance Workshop (fun for all ages).
🏮 Excited about #MIBON2024? This year’s MI Bon Summer Festival 2024 event is our Second Japanese Bon Festival at Cranbrook on Sunday, August 11th (1:00-5:30pm) in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.